Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Cute Stripey Glass

Just wanted to share this glass I fell in love with at a thrift store the other day. The blue happens to be my favorite color. The stripes are so happy. The shabby gold of the rim makes it a little fancy. I paid a whopping .99 cents for it and it brings me so much joy!

Don'tchya love it?!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I recognize the pillows! I must say, Iv'e known Heidi since she was in "her Mother's womb"(!) and seeing the way she has grown and " transformed" and she gets these crazy ideas and follows thru with them, making " something from nothing" or as it is in some one elses eyes, she never ceases to amaze me! I have seen and been there when she picks up these "strange" pieces (from old windows, chairs, and just plain boards!) and think she must be someone elses kid, then when I see what she does with them, I claim her once again!!! She truely has a knack for a big variety of art! Love you,
