Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Little Couch That Could

Is there anything better than having someone say, out of the blue, "hey, I have this thing, do you want it"?

I say, very few things are better than that!

I recently had one of my awesome photography clients contact me with that very question. She sent me a picture of a rather sad little couch with the most excellent of bones.

I dragged my complaining teenage son with me to help me stuff it into my jeep, with not an inch to spare.
Then I ignored his negative words about how ugly it was and what was I going to do with it, blah blah blah...

A couple of weeks later I dragged him down to my studio again to help me move it into the other room, which consists of the wonkiest hallway situation you've ever seen. Where, not surprisingly he complained ceaslessley as both of us ended up stuck, along with the couch standing straight up, in the hallway.

I tried to teach him the value in not stating the obvious negative problems but in finding a solution. I'm not so sure he heard me. But when I unscrewed the legs in order to get it in the doorway and then began to attack it with paint (the legs were originally plain wood) and a new (Goodwill Score!)cover, I do believe he changed his tune

It's not the greatest recovering, I'll admit. But it was a no-sew fix, a huge improvement and will do for now. It has found it's new home in the sunny corner of my art room and has become a cozy spot to write, nap and chill
Even my dog has approved.

And as always, this little comfy couch has reminded me of the beauty of one woman's junk being another woman's treasure
Thank you Belinda!

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