Thursday, June 7, 2012

Simple Reminders and Subliminal Messages

I am a word freak.
 To the point of dorkiness. I subscribe to Webster's Word Of The Day via email. I am a chronic underliner in books. There are words all over my house in the form of chalkboard messages, painted signs, art made from the pages of books, and of course - books themselves. 

I also love elements from nature. My home also has it's collection of plants, shells, sticks, branches, and yes, rocks. And now... rocks with words on them. 

On a recent stroll with the dog, we crossed a bridge over a dried up river bed. I stopped and peered over the edge looking at all of the river rocks. That's when an image I hadn't seen in YEARS popped into my head. 

When I was a little girl I used to go "rock hunting" with my grandpa. You see, he was a "rock hound". I'm still not sure if that is an actual term for someone who hunts rocks or if it is simply one of those "country" words that are invented in my neck of the woods where I grew up. 

My Gramps would wander around the mountains, knowing exactly what to look for. Usually a nondescript, ugly grey rock that he would lug home to his shed and crack open to reveal a literal gem. He had a collection of rose quartz, geodes, jade, petrified wood etc... that he made jewelery and such from. I loved all of these beautiful rocks, but I had long forgotten about my favorite rock of his. 

It was a long, flat oval river rock, probably six inches long. In bright yellow paint he had inscribed "hello" on one side, and "goodbye" on the other. 
I thought it was genius
Sometimes when we were saying our goodbyes at the door he would flip the rock over to say goodbye - which he found so amusing, as did I!

I hadn't thought of that rock in decades until I looked down into this river bed. I wondered what ever happened to it?I didn't say anything as we walked on, but on the way back I had to slither down the side of the hill and into the rocks to take a few home. I could have stayed there exploring all day and probably left with a truck load of rocks, but I settled for a handful as I told the story of my Gramps' rock on the way back to the jeep. 

I knew I was going to add words to my rocks as well. 

Now I have this little bowl of simple reminders and subliminal messages that reminds me not only of how I want to live, but reminds me of my Gramps as well.   

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ladders Everywhere! (a love story)

You know how it is when you have some secret obsession and you nurture it for a long time before it's fulfilled? Like my wooden ladder obsession? Well, since the acquisition of my rickety, termite eaten, later painted blue, now living happily in my garden ladder, they seem to be multiplying. I have seen more on the side of the road that I have passed by, thinking, "that obsession has now been fulfilled and one can only have so many ladders". Or maybe not. A few days ago it seemed I now had more ladders than I knew what to do with. 

I really love when the people in my life start scavenging for me. I get calls or texts saying, "you want a pair of giant doors with tons of windows?" or "I saw a chair on the side of the road today and thought of you, you want me to grab it"?

When my guy walked through the door recently saying, "I have a present for you".... of course, I thought:Flowers? A fabulous bottle of wine? No way, NOT a long awaited written expression of love?... But instead he drags me outside and shows me another wooden ladder

"Wow", I thought I said it pretty enthusiastically
"You hate it!" Says he.
"I don't! Thank you!" Say I, extra enthusiastically this time. It was cool and I love that he saw it on the side of the road and thought of me. But I have to confess, I was thinking, what am I gonna do with another ladder?!

Upon closer inspection I discovered that this one didn't have termite damage, it was probably abandoned because it would have been certain death for anyone who attempted to climb the thing, which I did not plan on doing. So, I decided it could live inside. The front and back was attached only on one side so I yanked it around a few times and separated the two sides. Which now meant instead of A ladder, I now had two ladder pieces to figure out what to do with.

Both pieces sat outside for a couple of days until a fit of inspiration came to me.

The front half now lives in the wasted little corner behind my TV. 

And the back half found a lovely little spot next to my bed. 

A couple of holes pounded into it now displays some dried roses from the garden.

And there's even a spot for my grandmother's handkerchief and some restful words. 

I realized two things. 
One: you don't need a lot of space to turn a ladder into a unique and fun display.
And two: Sometimes something dragged off the side of the road is a perfect expression of love.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Snazzy Coffee Table Re-Vamp

The term "as is" always makes me skeptical when making a  purchase. However, when it's something I'm planing to refinish, not so much. When I saw this lovely table, checked it's price tag and found "as is", I had to wonder why? 

It was definitely shabby with moving tape stuck all over the legs and some scratches and such. But with no real damage and no wobbles, it looked perfect to me!

After a thorough sanding, a few coats of "Gypsy Teal" paint, more sanding and a clear coat, it came out  quite snazzy I think! 
As usual, I start to think, "There has to be a spot in my home for this"! But alas, I think this one will find the perfect home out there somewhere. So it too is up for sale. 
